Tuesday 17 June 2008

Bush: Critics Of Gitmo, Abu Ghraib And Rendition Are ‘Slandering America’

Big Mouth/Small Brain strikes (out) again.

from ThinkProgress

"During an interview with President Bush on Britain’s Sky News yesterday, Sky political editor Adam Boulton noted that while Bush talks “a lot about freedom,” there are many who say that some of the Bush administration’s torture and detention policies represent “the complete opposite of freedom.” But Bush quickly snapped back, saying those criticizing his policies are slandering America:

BOULTON: There are those who would say look, lets take Guantanamo Bay, and Abu Ghraib, and rendition and all those things and to them that is the complete opposite of freedom.

BUSH: Of course, if you want to slander America."

Click here to see the interview video (fast forward to 15:50)

On another note, I saw President-in-chief at a press conference with British PM Gordon Brown. While I cannot remember it exactly word for word, but when Bush was asked about his achievements in office, he said that one of them was "a multi-lateralism, committed to solving problems with diplomacy"

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