Wednesday 9 July 2008

Johnny Cash - Hurt

1 comment:

saint said...

It is great song to a legend who was one of a kind. This song is reminder with Elya Abu Madi, Talasem especially when he says:

أين ضحكي وبكائي وأنا طفل صغير
أين جهلي ومراحي وأنا غضّ غرير
أين أحلامي وكانت كيفما سرت تسير
كلّها ضاعت ولكن كيف ضاعت؟

I am a fan Johnny Cash, but this song may be not the best one to introduce this legend to new audience. A little more on Wikipedia will help:

The best and most famous song associated with him is Gods Gonna cut you down, where he attacks rich and side with the poor from Christian angle:

But after my favorite is the two song at San Quentin prison.
The first called San Quentin, look how he treats the guards, he is a free soul it remind you with the prison break in Sydnaya:

The second one is about a boy named Sue, which reflect the uncontrollable American spirit,:

Hope those will make him more familiar.